It's been one of those evenings. When you drive with the window down, loving the perfect breeze that's making your hair do its very own jig. It's not too cold. When you actually feel like smiling at all the people who overtake from the left. When you're in a chaotic crowd, and yet feel wonderfully alone. When ideas pop into your head like it's the next big race. When you're in the presence of great minds, listening to new approaches and discourses that make you think, yet you're dong some thinking of your own. When the smell of your favourite cologne passes you by. When you meet an old friend and laugh over a hilarious memory. When you actually think you're looking good. When you get five warm hugs in quick succession. When you get green lights all the way home. When your thought process makes perfect sense to you. When you suddenly realize that you know tons of wonderful people. When you find your favourite sweater that had mysteriously disappeared all winter. When your research doesn't sound stupid to you anymore. When you realize that the person you are closest to is the best editor ever. When they play "the reason" on the radio. When you think hope is not a completely futile idea. When you get 1am ISD calls and fours hours of internet time with people you absofuckinlutely adore. When you admit your not-so-great traits to yourself, and laugh at them. When it ends with the perfect cup of coffee.
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