Of musings.in transition.impatient.incomplete.obscure and obdurate.

Sunday, August 10, 2008


i am...
a blog-reader
a grey question mark
a bare-backed turtle
a procrastinator
a black-scribble paper pile
a thought in an email. in five.
a rational idealist
a cry baby
a bad writer
a worse researcher
a user of fullstops
a left hand of faded mehendi.


Anonymous said...

a bare-backed turtle... eeesh, it sounds so vulnerable that it makes me squirm, runs an unbearable prickle all over my skin, it makes me choke and puke and dissolve and crumble like a heap of nothing... all because I know that's so me.

and, a left hand of faded mehndi... that could be me too.

ps: happy you are back. in a weird twisted way perhaps, it's nice/bracing to know I am not the swish and rustle of quiet confidence I 'pretend' to be, I desperately want to believe I am, want others to believe I am. I like my fragile self but I tend to brush it aside mostly. Reading you always puts me in touch with it. And, in a weird twisted way, as I said, I am always happy to meet her. Makes me human and real, I feel.

smalltimer said...

some more lines to it yet to come?

smalltimer said...

and absolutely loved the last line!

Venkster said...


smalltimer said...

post moooore post moooooooore