Of musings.in transition.impatient.incomplete.obscure and obdurate.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Completely trivial.and the Weekend.

Witnessed a mongoose chase today. Could not for the life of me remember the plural of mongoose — mongeese? mongooses? mongoose?
In the last few days, a lot has been accomplished by way of thinking. planning. working. under pressure, no doubt. because, shame-facedly, that is the only way I function.
Looked at old mails..
replete with delarations of love. new year resolutions. end of year musings. bitter chocolate cake receipes. snatches of conversation attempting tentative familiarity. lyrics of songs - 'when you get the choice to sit it out or dance'... 'And down this beaten path; and up this cobbled lane; I'm walking in my own footsteps once again'... 'The Jesus of Suburbia; from the bible of 'none of the above'. meetings fixed. interviews sought. detailed accounts of first times and no times. apologies where they were too cowardly. Reminders: "I AM ALIVE." A lot of good writing - 'Again: Why is reality always at such a sharp contrast with my imagination?' .. 'where time stops with the pigeons and my last stubbed cigarette' .. 'orange pancakes vs. the tube train.' Thank you's..for all the advice doled out from my life; for the cover-ups; for the two hours; or the pink notebook. Smiles - "Look! My first car!" Essays and excerpts. anthropology and legal jargon. William Butler Yeats.
replete with Fwd:s and no love lost. shared information. "you will be held accountable." reminiscing. joint-studies. shared trips. photographs and moralisation.
replete with hidden "this is what i sent to X." and numerous "now you know"s.
I wasted time just as well as I used it. lingered. focused. gingerly nudged. looked at the spirally crack on the left corner of my roof. stayed off the Internet. loved it. took a walk just when the ideas in my head were going join the imaginary dots of my wishful academic sensibilities. re-used color..off the cheeks. grinned at blue ears and buffoon-ish prized asses. went through sheaves of paper. circled. marked with pencil. arrows. eyelashes. organized. in my head. MS word. sub-folders in the mail. called. spoke. laughed. Laughed Out Loud. Ctrl + S. played parent. Lied. and then didn't. thought in Sanskrit. looked at the future. and it was okay.
Forgot the highlight of my weekend! Watched "Love Actually" for the nth time. My fondness for the movie completely depends on the current state of clustered thoughts. I loved it the first time for all the red in it!..and coz i went with eight other women, with a range of opinions on "love" and the various men in the film! Then went through phases when i thought it was juvenile, overdone and pretentious! However, the only constant thing remains my absolute adoration for Andrew Lincoln (Mark) walking out of his house (leaving Keira Knightley and pie!) with Dido playing in the background. Have loved the song always. and well..my personal record for replaying the scene at one sitting has been..umm..eleven!


Venkster said...

Love this one :)

Oxymoron said...

thank you. and i know you mean it. :)